Its funny how things work out. Like so many people, Covid totally messed up my routines and the only “normal” thing in my life seemed to changes. At first the lockdowns were a shock to the system and I would dwell on the uncertainty. Well, I think I have gotten used to uncertainty, and I used the announcement of lockdown after Christmas to add biking into my fitness routine.
It takes about 6 weeks to make a habit stick so the timing worked out perfectly. Jonas has a bike trainer which I have been meaning to try to help lose the covid 15 lbs of weight I have gained over the last 10 months. I gave myself a challenge to ride the bike every day starting with 20 minutes and working my way up to 45 minutes by the end of the lock down. That sounded pretty digestible for me.
Wow, was I wrong. Since I haven’t ridden a bike on over 20 years, I was not prepared for how uncomfortable it was for my butt to ride a bike. After a couple of torturous rides, I confessed to Jonas that my poor little bum couldn’t take it. There was no way 45 minutes was ever going to happen and I might actually just try something else.
That is when he let me in on a little secret. His biking shorts have a padded bum! Well…..That seemed like cheating, but I was desperate and wasn’t going to question it. I jumped onto Amazon and bought a couple of pair of biking shorts. I was not convinced however, my butt really hurt and I wasn’t sure any amount of padding would help.
I hate to say it… but he was right. The padding made a huge difference and my goal of 45 minutes was back on the table.
Now 45 minutes is a long time to be pedaling in one spot. I also found my audio books weren’t keep me distracted enough. That’s when my Handy Hubby steps in and builds a desk that I can use when I ride the bike. This is great, I can work on my computer (or more likely watch Netflix) while riding away.
Without any excuses I was able to hit my goal. I’ve been at it for 6 weeks now and I truly look forward to my rides. The habit is sticking… Thank You Jonas!
A little help goes a long way when trying to build habits.