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I’ll Wait Until I Have The Keys

I find myself trying not to get excited about the prospect of life going back to normal. If you’ve tried to buy a house in Toronto over the last 5-10 years you’ve probably felt this way for fear of not having your offer accepted. When we started house shopping, I imagine things like all the great moments our family could have in it, how I could redecorate and even where the Christmas tree would go. After our hopes were crushed numerous times when we lost bidding war where we were willing to go WAY over our budget (and sell our soul), I had to stop being emotionally invested. I would shop for the house rationally, make sure the house checked all the boxes and I would wait to get emotionally invested until we had the keys.

That is kinda how I feel about the prospect the economy opening back up and the lockdowns lifting. Everything is suggesting that I should be getting excited, the government is starting to release parts of its plan to reopen (mind you, it was a little light on detail when if came to fitness & classes), I have my appointment to get my vaccine in the next two weeks, and Broadway is open. That must surely mean things are pointed in the right direction….I should be excited right!? I know Jonas is REALLY happy he can go golfing this weekend, but I haven’t let myself get too excited.

Instead, I am going to stick with what has worked for the last 12+ months. I’m going to go with the flow and make the best. Stay in the moment, be ready to open and wait until we “have the keys” to get really excited.

So for this long weekend, while Jonas is golfing, I will go the flow and do some yoga.