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My Choice: Meaghan’s Pilates Yoga Flow

I truly believe that my mood is my choice and I treat it as my responsibility to myself to keep it as positive as I can. So, when those feelings of “blah” creep into my day, I make the choice to fight back. Instead of dwelling on the reasons why I am feeling this way, I do what I can to snap out of it.

My determined choice to keep my mood positive has a lot to do with how I react when things happen around me. This has tested my patience of late when I think about what is happening in our world today and the uncertainty of the Pilates and Fitness industry. Most of these things are out of my control, so I choose to focus on what I can do to make me happy.

One of those things I can do is… PILATES. I know I love the feeling when I finish a session on the mat or the reformer.

So when I am feeling overwhelmed and want to snap out of it, I like to spend 10-15 minutes on the mat to set me straight and change my state of mind.

Here is a little Pilates & Yoga Flow that is my go-to to improve my mood as I choose to be positive!