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Sidelined & The Lessons Learned

I am on the sidelines this week. My amazing, game changing new running shoes gave me a blister. The first couple of runs with my new shoes had been great. I had no idea good running shoes could make such a difference. With my new shoes, my mind wasn’t preoccupied with how much my feet and ankles hurt from the pounding of each step. I felt like I was floating through my runs. Well…not really floating because it is still running, but it felt WAY BETTER. 

I am a new to running (notice I did not say “I am a new runner”), so I am not sure what running is supposed to feel like. I have been running for a few months and I haven’t had a run where I don’t walk for parts of it. Being truthful, the walking wasn’t always about being tired, but rather it was to give my feet and ankles a rest… not my legs. 

That seemed to all change when I got proper running shoes. I can’t believe the difference. I feel faster, I still walk a little but it is more mental as don’t have the confidence that I could finish the whole run and I want to make sure I make it home. And just when I was ready to “go for it” and run for the entire run, I got a blister. 

So yesterday I put on a Band-Aid and put on two pairs of socks (something I should have done when I got the shoes) and tried to push through the pain. I didn’t last long. So I was back to walking. Which was fine with me. It was a gorgeous morning, I was listening to a pod cast and I wasn’t feeling guilty that I didn’t go for a run because I tried and there was nothing I could do.  I was just glad to be out there and it was still a great morning which I followed up by a little Pilates series when I got home. 

So during this little blister extravaganza, I learned a couple of things: 

1. A proper pair of running shoes is essential to running.

2. When you get those proper pair of shoes, wear two pairs of socks until you running shoes are broken in

3. Going running in the morning isn’t always about the run and it doesn’t even have to be a run, its about doing something to get me moving…anything in the morning to kick your day off. 

If you aren’t a runner and Pilates is your morning workout of choice, here is a short 12 minute barre & mat series for your Glutes & Core.